St. Maximilian Kolbe Region of the Order of Franciscan Seculars (OFS) is located in the northern half of Ohio. We have 14 fraternities in the Region.

Who are the Secular Franciscans, and what do they do?

The Secular Franciscan Order is a vocation, a Way of Life approved by the Church, for men and women, married or single, who are called to take an active part in the mission of Christ to bring "the good news of salvation" to the world. Secular Franciscans commit themselves to a life in Christ calling for a positive effort to promote Gospel attitudes among their contemporaries. They are united with each other in communities, through which they develop a sense of direction according to the Gospel spirit of Saint Francis of Assisi.


What are some of the outward commitments to the Order?

  • You have to be a Catholic, in good standing with the Church, and in obedience with its doctrines and practices. (The Order is canonically a part of the Church, an "association of the Christian faithful”).

  • There is a 3 year formation period to discern and prepare for a permanent commitment to this way of life.

  • Daily prayer is a part of the rule. (The Morning and Evening Office are encouraged, but other forms of prayer accepted by the Church fulfill this requirement).

  • The fraternity's monthly gathering takes precedence over other commitments.

  • You wear the TAU Cross, the visible sign of the Order.

Actively Living in the World

Our fraternity members actively promote peace, justice, and the integrity of God’s creation in the world. Read our newsletters to find out more.


Ready to take the next step?

Explore the Secular Franciscan Order on our National and International websites!

If you’re interested in talking to someone in our Region about the Secular Franciscan Order, give us your email and someone will contact you.


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